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Emma West Counselling

Online counselling for you,
wherever you are

Hello - my name is Emma - I am a BACP accredited counsellor with specialist training in online counselling.


I can help you with a range of issues including stress, low mood, anxiety, dissatisfaction at work or with life in general, low self esteem / confidence, relationship problems, parenting issues, loss, anger and trauma.


I charge £60 for a 50 minute session which includes being sent resources post session for you to refer to and keep.


While I can't give you medical advice I can support you if you are thinking about taking, are taking, or wish to stop taking, psychiatric drugs eg 'antidepressants'.


I also have specialist experience and knowledge of disability, carer, health, student and gender dysphoria issues, and I am LGBTQIA2S+ affirmative.  I have lived experience of rare disability and carer issues.

Therapy Sessions
How can I help you?

Whatever you are finding difficult, painful or confusing 

I can work with you to achieve positive change 

using Online Counselling.


About me

Find out more about my background, counselling experience, qualifications

and training.

Why have online counselling

There are many advantages to online counselling in terms of time, cost and location.

My approach

The most important thing in counselling is the ‘therapeutic relationship’ – a good counsellor is one who makes you feel you are are being listened to, cared for

and not judged.

Frequently asked questions

Everything [hopefully!] you'll want to know about the service I provide [and if it's not here - please just ask]

Thank you so much for your help over the last six weeks. 
I am feeling so much better and more in control of my life now, thank you for helping me look at things in a more balanced way!  I’ve loved coming to see you.
Me and Luna smiling_edited.jpg

For further information or to get the ball rolling please either use the contact form or e mail me:

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© 2018 Emma West Counselling

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