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My Approach

There are hundreds of different types of counselling approaches - you may have heard of CBT [Cognitive Behavioural Therapy] or Psychoanalysis [you might have images of lying on a couch for that one], there's also Systemic Therapy, Transactional Analysis, EMDR, Gestalt, Art, and Person Centred Therapies to name just a few!


This means that it can be easy to be overwhelmed by what’s out there but here’s the thing - it has been proven time and time again that the most important thing in counselling is the ‘therapeutic relationship’ – that is finding a counsellor who makes you feel listened to, cared for and not judged.


I have a LOT of experience of working with people - see the section 'About Me' to find out more. 


Because of this experience, and because of my friendly manner, I am confident I will be able to quickly put you at ease so that you will feel comfortable telling me about your difficulties. 


Everyone who comes to counselling is different and for me the challenge is to work with you to find the approach that works for you.


You may just want to be listened to and tell your story, perhaps for the very first time. 


Or we can talk about using a variety of different approaches including written exercises, Mindfulness, 

role-play, and/or CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – which looks at thoughts, feelings, behaviours and unhelpful thinking styles. 


If your heart skipped a beat when I mentioned ‘role-play’ or writing - don’t worry I won’t ask you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing – my aim is to find a way of working that works for you.  

Me and Luna smiling_edited.jpg

For further information or to get the ball rolling please either use the contact form or e mail me:

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© 2018 Emma West Counselling

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